CLE ELUM RIVER VALLEY: __________________________________________________________
SALMON LA SAC CAMPGROUND LOOPS: In winter, this U.S. Forest Service campground, which is situated at the confluence of the Cooper River and the Cle Elum River just across the Cle Elum River from the Salmon la Sac guard station, offers about three miles of marked ski/snowshoe loop trails which follow the summer access roads through the campground. One approaches the campground loops either from the turn-around at the end of plowing on the Cle Elum River Rd. or from the Salmon la Sac Sno-park. via the Cayuse Camp trail (see below). This is an ideal spot to to enjoy traveling on skis or snowshoes through a snowy forest on flat ground, with the possibility of fine views up and down the valley. The campground loops are restricted to non-motorized use and are marked by orange snow poles. The FS grooms and track-sets these trails twice a week, generally on Fridays and Mondays. A Snopark grooming sticker is NOT required for the use of these trails. |
CAYUSE CAMP/SNO-PARK TRAIL: From the Salmon la Sac Sno-Park, follow blue diamond ski trail signs which will lead you from the Sno-park to the Salmon la Sac guard station via a forest trail in about 1 mile, passing on the way the Cayuse Horse Camp which is the summertime staging area for the USFS horsepackers. This trail covers flat ground and is a fine alternative approach to the Salmon la Sac campground loop trails for those who would rather not share the road with snowmobiles. |
The Salmon la Sac campground and Cayuse Camp are legally closed to motorized travel when the campgrounds are shut down for the winter. This means that snowmobilers who are observed by law enforcement officers to be operating their machines in the campgrounds can be cited. Skiers and snowshoers should be aware that this legal closure applies ONLY to the campgrounds. You may not appreciate having to share the winter woods with snowmobiles but they're a fact of life most places on the Cle Elum district. The Ellensburg X-C Ski Club urges the non-motorized community to practice restraint and courtesy in your contacts with snowmobilers. They're loud, fast and smelly but most of them are out on the snow for many of the same reasons we are. |
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